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From Denny: Hope. We all know what it feels like when hope blooms deep inside our hearts. We all enjoy it when our minds turn to thoughts of hope lifting us up when we need encouragement.
Considering the tragic shooting of 20 little children and their 6 teachers in Connecticut this month right before the Christmas holiday, the economy and job worries of Americans, Hope seems to be in short supply this season.
Here are a few quotes to jump start your Hope again and pull you out of feeling blue or full blown depressed. Sometimes, Life can get overwhelming. Good people often wonder if all they do in the world and for the people in it is really worth it because it appears on the outside that little has changed. That's why it's good to have a few strategies tucked away in your pocket for just those tough times when you need to pull yourself out of a negative spiral and pump yourself back up with some inspiration.
Anything we do in Life can often be looked at as a practice, a Life philosophy. Practice Hope just like you wash your face every day. Good habits - like practicing Hope - are important to maintain your emotional balance and to cultivate an enduring happiness.
The reason it is so very important to cultivate Hope is because it keeps alive that incredible energy that moves our lives in the right direction. Hope is the quiet twin to Courage, urging us to go on no matter how bad the situation appears.
What gets in the way of cultivating Hope? Fear. Fear is annoying and a real dream killer. Set fear aside and allow Hope to slowly drift in to your heart, setting up a home. Then it becomes easier to use that energy to act in a more positive manner.
Most of all, when a situation looks dark or lingers far longer than you ever thought you had the patience, step out of your comfort zone and start to create something. Start small to cultivate Joy. Let each small Joy connect to another small Joy. You will find that Hope begins to grow. It's then you finally see your way out of the darkness. The Light grows all around you until - in one special moment - you finally realize that you are the Light! You just never took notice of it until now.
Faith goes up the stairs that Love has built and looks out the windows which Hope has opened
Practice hope. As hopefulness becomes a habit, you can achieve a permanently happy spirit. - Norman Vincent Peale
If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe. ― Michael Jackson
We should not let our fears hold us back from pursuing our hopes. - President John F. Kennedy
In a time of destruction, create something. ― Maxine Hong Kingston
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