From Denny: Do we place enough value on our time spent alone with only our own thoughts? Too often we are reluctant to pull back from daily duties, the wishes of others that try to influence us in our daily lives.
Do we value our own thoughts above those around us? The only way to find out is to spend regular times of solitude to listen to our inner thoughts. It is a quieting time, as refreshing for our emotions as it is for our mind.
Carve out some regular time every day, if only for five minutes, to seek your own thoughts. You will be surprised at how suddenly problems in your life become easier to solve. Your understanding of the issues in your life grow. You become adept at leaping over issues that previously held you back, often stuck for years. Value your alone time as much as you value yourself. You are both precious!
* When we cannot bear to be alone, it means we do not properly value the only companion we will have from birth to death - ourselves. - Eda LeShan
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