
Friday, October 1, 2010

How Do You Fit Into The Universe?

A simple spiritual technique to help train the ego effortlessly.

Our Life Perspective

From Denny: This quote can be received several ways. It can be seen from the point of view of how to keep your perspective is to consider something larger than just yourself. Just look up at the night sky and the massive universe several times a week and you will have no problem understanding your small size of importance. Talk about a sobering "ego check." :)

Technique for gaining spiritual discipline

So many people think spiritual development is about talking bad about yourself in order to create self-discipline. I've never bought into that kind of self-defeating mindset. Rather, when you practice regular routines like wordless star-gazing, it slowly calms the ego and trains it to see differently. It's a pleasant discipline to cultivate and works quite well to help you keep your balance in life. And it's just so simple. The fall sky is incredibly beautiful as we just had the Harvest Moon occuring on the Fall Solstice this year - a rare event that happens about every 20 years.

Moving physically helps change our perspective

Take a look at this quote as well from another angle. When you are experiencing adversity - be it job loss, divorce, death of a partner - it's helpful to stop all the helter skelter emotions by literally getting up from the couch and walk outside to improve your perspective. It's amazing how moving the physical body can do wonders for helping you to change your mental or emotional outlook.

How you fit into the universe

While this quote was most likely aimed at the arrogant or the self-centered it is useful to remove all self-condemnation to come into the awareness of how you fit in the universe. You will never discover that connectedness if you focus upon where you are not going rather than enjoying Life right where you are right now. Right now is becoming the future. Isn't it so much better to greet the future with a smile?


* If you do not raise your eyes you will think that you are the highest point. - Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

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