
Friday, October 1, 2010

A Delightful Way Of Seeing Our Lives

Have you thought about how to impact the lives of others positively? It's so simple and easy to do.

From Denny: When was the last time you invited others to share your life, that everyday good moment?

This sweet photo of a baby elephant with its parents is adorable. How many times have you invited others to visit you - and then introduced a friend or a child to them because you knew it would be a positive impact upon both of them? It's like the idea of "paying it forward" just keeps moving on, creating goodness and happiness with every person touched.

Your life becomes what - and who - you cultivate.  Is it a sweet garden full of unending delights?


Won't you come into the garden? I would like my roses to see you. - Richard Brinsley Sheridan

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