From Denny: With all the political and economic chaos going on in the world - and violent weather - it's important to remember to listen to Hope. It's easy to get jaded as you fight injustice or misfortune.
These trying circumstances that plague humanity often hit hardest when we are not paying attention - or outright refuse - to grow spiritually. We were not sent into this physical life just to pay the bills, have families to populate the Earth and die.
This is a testing ground to produce spiritual awareness of what is greater than our individual selves. It can be easier when you volunteer by choosing to challenge yourself daily, sometimes hourly, to grow.
When we reject spiritual growth that's when Karma (the Law of Cause and Effect) hammers us. Don't let challenges back up until it explodes onto your life in a chaotic mess just to get your attention. Take charge right now by listening to the small quiet voice of Hope that is there to guide you on your way to success.

Hope Transforms
Hope lightly touches our souls,
Gently glides in through the mists of
Troubled minds and chaotic lives and
Quietly strokes our faces to engage.

Awareness soars, promises glisten.
We greet the new companion Hope
Who lingers and comforts a while
Constant faithful friend through crisis

Hope arises from the silence, those
Darkest moments plaguing our lives.
Hope illuminates the despair and
Lifts up our hearts to believe again.

Life crowds us with demanding pressures
Like clanging alarms wake, startling us to grow.
Hope drives us to a greater destination,
Toward fully conscious, awake and Presence.

Hope gives us the Dream then transforms,
Sings our courage, never overwhelmed.
Hope seeks, summons the growing Light.
Conduit of change, quiet Power, Hope dwells within.

Denny Lyon
Copyright 11 June 2010
All Rights Reserved
*** See Also: How Are Hopes, Dreams and Reality Related?
*** See Also: Where Does Hope Guide Us On Our Life Path?
*** See Also: Hope: Unborn Baby Grabs onto Doctors Hand in Surgery
*** See Also: Does Hope Touch Your Soul?
*** See Also: Destress: 3 Great Encouragement Quotes
*** See Also: Have You Ever Thought About The Process of Success?
Photo Credits
Hope under an umbrella photo by Atilla1000 @ flickr
Fenced Hope photo by mattwi1s0n @ flickr
Rays of Hope photo by green umbrella @ flickr
Feather on the shore by patnz @ flickr
Single white feather floating photo by treehouse1977 @ flickr
Feather glistening in the snow photo by Doug and Kim @ flickr
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