Cup of coffee from Brazil by il Quoquo @ flickr
From Denny: Between Colbert and Stewart, well, let's just say they have BP's shenanigans covered. Nothing gets past them!
In my ongoing effort to provide stress relief when the national conversation is so depressing - because of the BP Gulf Coast oil spill, a fragile economy and politicians who continually refuse to do right by the American people - we all need to keep laughing our way through these times until they get better. Trust that times will get better and they will. Until then, while we are in transition, we must develop coping skills for managing daily stress like making sure we are laughing often.
This is one of those times when it is true that "the pen is mightier than the sword" for the right kind of writing can bring relief to thousands in one moment over the internet. Pretty cool when you think about it. How many people can accomplish so much out of thin air? :)
Funny Smile Quotes - Cheeky Quote Day - 30 June 2010
Roundup of Late Night Funnies: BP Oil Spill, McChrystal Firing - 28 June 2010
Funny Video: Colbert Says McChrystal Had To Have Been High
Funny Video: Stewart Nails Republicans As Flip-Floppers On BP Escrow Fund
Funny Video: Colbert Lampoons Barton's BP Apology
Funny Video: Stewart Lampoons McChrystal's Balls For An Honorable Discharge
5 Funny Shorts: What Kids Think About Love and Life
Funny Video: Surfing Group Known as The Radical Rodents
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