Cup of coffee from Brazil by il Quoquo @ flickr
From Denny: This sure has been quite the week with the drama unfolding out in the Gulf of Mexico with the BP oil spill off my Louisiana coast. The cartoonists have had great fun lampooning the various lies and finger pointing from the CEOs involved. The better news is that BP is finally making a bit of headway on corralling some of the oil for clean up, siphoning it into a tanker.
Some headway is better than nothing and at least it has slowed down the rate of gushing oil and natural gas for the moment. Definitely better than using an atomic bomb to blow up the well like the crazy Russians suggested. There's a plan. Nuke the Gulf of Mexico and irradiate the ocean waters for the next thousand years. Fortunately, BP and the government are contemplating lesser crazy options.
As a result of the oil spill there are countless great political cartoons and funny videos by the likes of Colbert to enjoy. And Betty White was the toast of late night TV on SNL after turning in some hilarious performances. She then proceeded to go out all night carousing with the SNL cast after the show. She's almost 89 years old and there's no time to waste for having fun! :)

The Social Poets:
BP Oil Spill Funny Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010
Love Gift Poem - Libations Friday 14 May 2010
3 Funny Videos: Hilarious Betty White On SNL, Cartoonist Mocks Tea Party
Funny Wall Street Quotes and Jokes, Stewart Lampoons Wall Street - Cheeky Quote Day 12 May 2010
One Million Homeowners Walked Away: Can It Kill Our Economy?
Video: The Case For Walking Away From Your Mortgage
Roundup of Late Night Funnies - 10 May 2010
Funny Video: Colbert Lampoons Conservative Preacher and His Rentboy
Funny Video: Stewart Slams Media, BP, And Hypocritical Politicians For Oil Spill Response
Funny Video: 2010 White House Correspondents Dinner with Prez Obama
Dennys Global Politics:
World Economy Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010
Russians Say Nuke BP Oil Spill, Hordes Leaving Facebook, Big Business Cheats, Obamas Tax Reform - News Headlines 13 May 2010
BP Found Cheating, Auto Dealers Sleazing Public, Voters Oust Porkers, Haiti Charities Stingy - News Headlines 12 May 2010
Hedge Fund Short Selling Caused Market Dive, Cameron New Brit PM, Govt Changes Approach to Oil Oversight - News Headlines 11 May 2010
Woman Chosen 4 Supreme Court, BP Sprays Chemicals into Oil Spill, Obscene Exec Perks - News Headlines 10 May 2010
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
3 Quotes: Have You Validated Yourself Recently?
3 Positive Attitude Quotes to Help Shape Your World
Are You Stuck in Life Not Knowing Where to Go Next?
Mothers Day Quote From Rose Kennedy
How Can You Help Your Child Keep Their Balance And Yours?
Mothers Day Quote: The Funny Stages of Motherhood
4 Special Quotes to Anchor Your Dreams
Food Blogs:
Triple Chocolate Toffee Brownies
Elegant Cheap Dishes From Manhattan Chef: Chicken With 40 Garlic Cloves, Salad and Dessert
Sweet Breakfasts: Caramel Pecan Buns, Sweet Blueberry Drop Biscuits, Pineapple Upside-Down Cake
Humor blogs:
Funny Video: Colbert On BP Oil Containment - No One Knows What The Flock They're Doing
Funny Video: Cartoonist Mocks Tea Party Hypocrisy
Funny Video: Betty White On SNL Monologue
Funny Video: Betty White, SNL Golden Girls Lampoon Lawrence Welk Show
Funny Video: Cover Up Your Sex Scandal With A New Batch Of Euphemisms
Terrorism and Times Square, Immmigration Cartoons - 15 May 2010
Hunh? Funny Political Cartoons 15 May 2010
Visual Insights photo blog:
Supreme Court Nominee Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010
Dennys Funny Photo Gallery: The Nose Knows
The Healing Waters and The Soul Calendar:
Injuries During Sex, Miracle Baby, Bad Drug Ad Snitches Wanted - Health News Stories - 14 May 2010
Funny Wall Street Political Cartoons - 15 May 2010
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