From Denny: At some point in our lives we have all experienced this situation - feeling stuck. There are some useful questions we can ask ourselves to help us examine where we are and why we are planted there:
* Am I in waiting mode, knowing to wait until the opportunity crosses my path, so should I continue waiting because I'm in perfect timing?
* Am I afraid to advance because I'm afraid of what I don't know as opposed to what I do know?
* Am I stuck because of a previous traumatic event or string of events that just zapped the will out of me and I'm burdened with self-doubt, fear and guilt?
Sometimes, we aren't stuck but only that our spirit has us waiting for the right timing for something - and that process can go on for years - like waiting for the right person to marry. Maybe both of you needed 20 years to mature before meeting so that your marriage will turn out successful.
Other times, especially for creative people like artists, musicians and writers it takes decades to mature both in the craft and the inner person before success beats a path to your door. Many a classical composer did not reach the height of their best written music until they were in their late 50's, even when they had been writing since a child. It isn't enough to be talented unless you also develop some serious emotional intelligence to complement your artistry.
People are often frustrated after a serious of setbacks in life and start to question even the smallest things in their lives - like something so silly as to why they like bananas. That's when you know it's time to take a deep breath, step back, exhale and sit down to collect your thoughts quietly. That's when the rational mind is trying to logically figure out a situation and can't get its balance. And that's when it's time to let go of that and allow your spiritual mind to lead. The spiritual mind generally leads at a slower more deliberate pace, carefully picking and choosing the exact moments to act with force of will and power of decision.
If you want a refresher course on what this feels like, then watch the 2000 movie called The Legend of Baggar Vance. The whole movie is set up to bring back a golfer from his war trauma, his self-doubting and interfering rational mind, and help him blossom back into his natural life swing that comes only from his spiritual depths, unique only to him. Here's a bit of dialogue quoted from that pivotal moment when the golfer rediscovered and got back in touch with his spiritual self.
The Legend of Bagger Vance Movie

Bagger Vance (Will Smith) is a caddy that offers advice about more than the game to young golfer Rannulph Junuh (Matt Damon, right) in Dreamworks' The Legend of Bagger Vance - 2000
Bagger Vance: What I'm talkin about is a game... A game that can't be won only played...
Rannulph Junuh: You don't understand...
Bagger Vance: I don't need to understand... Ain't a soul on this entire earth ain't got a burden to carry he don't understand, you ain't alone in that... But you been carryin' this one long enough... Time to go on... lay it down...
Rannulph Junuh: I don't know how...
Bagger Vance: You got a choice... You can stop... Or you can start...
Rannulph Junuh: Start?
Bagger Vance: Walkin...
Rannulph Junuh: Where?
Bagger Vance: Right back to where you always been... and then stand there... Still... real still... And remember...
Rannulph Junuh: It's too long ago...
Bagger Vance: Oh no sir it was just a moment ago... Time for you to come on out the shadows Junuh... Time for you to choose...
Rannulph Junuh: I can't...
Bagger Vance: Yes you can... but you ain't alone... I"m right here with ya... I've been here all along... Now play the game... Your game... The one that only you was meant to play... Then one that was given to you when you come into this world... You ready?... Stike that ball Junuh don't hold nothin back give it everything... Now's the time... Let yourself remember... Remember YOUR swing... That's right Junuh, settle yourself... Let's go... Now is the time, Junuh...
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