
Thursday, September 15, 2011

What Is Your Daily Meditation Focus, How Do You Know You Succeeded In The World?

From Denny:  You awaken in the early morning.  What is your first thought?  Is it to get the coffee going so you can turn your brain on, chasing away the sleep cobwebs?  Is your first thought to start that To Do List in your head even before the sun rises?

Too often we fill our lives with "musts" and an endless stream of physical tasks all nagging for our attention.  Jumping to those demands can easily get us out of balance, stressed out and excessively tired.

Have you ever considered changing what you think about when you first open your eyes in the morning?  Know that you will get around to attending to your daily routine.  Things have to get done and they will - but are you giving yourself the gift of cherishing that first thought in your day?

Master Fearless Mug

"Mastering others? Strength. Mastering yourself? Fearless."

On a non-verbal level I've always kept the same thought every morning when I wake, a thought driven by intuition.  The other day I was going through accumulated hard files to purge what was no longer relevant in my home office.  Granted, I am an information junkie as just about everything interests me.  :)

I ran across this one article about a Native American elder and a tribe in the San Antonio area.  He had become an elder at the age of 19 back in the 1970's when the tribal members were drifting away from the culture.  Today he teaches the values of his culture to the grandchildren generation.

His daily philosophy was simple and direct and certainly articulated out loud how I think every morning:  "What can I do to benefit humanity today?"  It implies the great joy found in creativity and constant problem-solving along with the ideal of true service in times of need.

When you keep a daily focus like this as a constant in your life, no matter what challenges get thrown your way it will keep you balanced, fresh and relaxed.  

Today, I found this wonderful quote from my favorite Christian sage, Ralph Waldo Emerson.  He really understood and lived the practical side of spirituality in his daily life.  He teaches us how we can recognize and measure our true success in life.


To laugh often and much:  To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have succeeded. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Funny Inner Peace Rectangle Magnet

Funny Cat Philosopher Curty on how best to acquire Inner Peace

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