Quotes with thought-provoking comments, contemplating the spiritual. Inspiration for lovers of words and deep thoughts. Thank you for your visit! - Denny Lyon
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Poems From A Spiritual Heart: Black Queen Guardian
Poems From A Spiritual Heart: Black Queen Guardian: A humorous poem about an unusual and fierce Hurricane Katrina rescue cat.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Dennys Art Sanctuary: Animation Art: Origins By Robert Showalter
Dennys Art Sanctuary: Animation Art: Origins By Robert Showalter:
From Denny: "Origins" is a delightful little animation project. It addresses the universal questions of "Where do we come from?" and "Where do I belong?"
This tiny and charming robot begins his search as a train passes by, marked with the exact same logo as he sports on his metal chest. That point of familiarity prompts him to begin his journey of discovery to search for his origins. What he finds and what he decides I will leave for you to discover. :)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
What Is Your Daily Meditation Focus, How Do You Know You Succeeded In The World?
From Denny: You awaken in the early morning. What is your first thought? Is it to get the coffee going so you can turn your brain on, chasing away the sleep cobwebs? Is your first thought to start that To Do List in your head even before the sun rises?
Too often we fill our lives with "musts" and an endless stream of physical tasks all nagging for our attention. Jumping to those demands can easily get us out of balance, stressed out and excessively tired.
Have you ever considered changing what you think about when you first open your eyes in the morning? Know that you will get around to attending to your daily routine. Things have to get done and they will - but are you giving yourself the gift of cherishing that first thought in your day?
"Mastering others? Strength. Mastering yourself? Fearless."
Sunday, September 11, 2011
The Social Poets: 9-11 Stories Roundup: How Is America 10 Years Later?
Reuters photo/John Kehe illustration |
The Social Poets: 9-11 Stories Roundup: How Is America 10 Years Later?:
From Denny: Every year when this date comes we all pause and remember those whose lives were taken quickly and horribly. We mourn for those left behind and pray for them to find their way in life.
For the youngest generation this event is a moment seared upon their memory, remembering where they were when America was struck by terrorism and the Twin Towers fell. Included here is an article of how to talk to children about the attack.
Not all associated with this terrible event is sadness, despair and sorrow. Whether survivors, or families and friends of the fallen, many have discovered the well of strength within themselves. Others have started charities and foundations to honor not the dead but the lives of the victims, promoting their life philosophies and initiatives. Stories of wonderful inspiring people have been shared in the news and memorials for the world to remember.