
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Social Poets: Gabrielle Giffords: New Photos Since Shooting, Looks Great!

Gabby 18 months ago in January 2010

The Social Poets: Gabrielle Giffords: New Photos Since Shooting, Looks Great!: "From Denny: This week Gifford's staff put up on her facebook page more recent photos of her. These photos reveal a still vibrant woman with a healthy glow. What is so amazing is she just underwent yet another surgery. This time it was to replace part of her skull that had previously been removed months ago to allow the brain to swell from its injuries.

Good news! Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is recovering at a rapid rate that astonishes and gladdens her doctors. To those of us - by the millions - who have prayed for her health and well being, this is proof positive how prayer works. Prayer is about giving energy to others when their energy is ebbing or weak. She looks wonderful!"