
Monday, June 27, 2011

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: It Isnt In Me

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: It Isnt In Me: "'Love is how we all win'

How to define someone by what they are not. Pivotal moment can prompt you to write

From Denny: I’ve always worked from the inside out. Yet in the West, and especially in America, our culture tends to work from the outside, ignoring the 'inside self' the majority of the time. And we wonder why America is a drug-plagued society with so much emotional and spiritual pain? There isn’t enough loving going around: yourself - as well as the stranger standing next to you!

You can love yourself without resorting to selfishness, stinginess or self-absorption. Just take good care of yourself as much as you would someone you value highly. Your world will improve dramatically when you adopt this philosophy."

Dennys Global Politics: Egypt: Humiliating Virginity Tests Performed On Female Protesters

Female protester in Tahrir Square, photo by MAHMUD HAMS

Dennys Global Politics: Egypt: Humiliating Virginity Tests Performed On Female Protesters: "From Denny: It turns out the Egyptian peoples' hope that the Egyptian Army would be an honest and respectful government broker is an illusion as this country transitions to a democracy Middle Eastern style.

Early on as the protesters agreed to talks with the Egyptian Army to take over as a transitional government it was the protesters who sidelined women and women's rights. That's when they lost this blogger as an advocate for I saw it as just more of the same cultural garbage women are expected to tolerate, especially in the Middle East.

Now more ugly news out of the Arab world. Is it any surprise that women are yet again treated to more degrading acts of cruelty and humiliation? I am very disappointed in this protest movement. What good is freedom if you hold captive over half of your population, declaring them unfit for leadership or the rights to make their own decisions?"

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Visual Insights: Music: Rapper Talib Kweli Performs Cold Rain, Get By on Colbert

Visual Insights: Music: Rapper Talib Kweli Performs Cold Rain, Get By on Colbert: "What I like about this group is they have created a more musically and mentally interesting version of hip hop and rap by adding the jazz vibe that winds through the music tying it all together."

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Art: A True Gentle Man

Funny Monkey
silly monkey photo has nothing to do with this post. :)

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Funny Art: A True Gentle Man: "From Denny: An artist with a sense of humor is more fun than a barrel of monkeys let loose in your living room and swinging from the chandeliers while swilling Guinness beer. Party on!

I happened upon this artist while searching for coffee photos for my online newspaper. You just never know what fun discoveries are waiting around the corner! This is from nyoin @ flickr, an illustrator and graphic designer from South Korea."

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dennys People Watching: Funny Actor Tom Hanks Does The TV Weather, Larry Crowne Movie Trailer

Dennys People Watching: Funny Actor Tom Hanks Does The TV Weather, Larry Crowne Movie Trailer: "From Denny: Funny actor Tom Hanks stopped in at the Spanish news network, Univision, to do more than Show 'N' Tell for his new movie. He and the weather newscaster danced their way through the weather cast. Total silliness and funny. The man loves his improv.

New movie 'Larry Crowne' starts in theaters this weekend and features Julia Roberts and Tom Hanks."

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Cat Ferociously Barks, Not Meows, To Protect House

Tough kitty

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Video: Cat Ferociously Barks, Not Meows, To Protect House: "From Denny: Talk about hilarious! I've had cats with this level of ferocity to protect but never one that barked. Mine were more like silent ninja types that were ready to lop off an intruder's head. Cats are fiercely loyal to The One that fills the food bowl and gives proper cat head massages.

But I digress... This crazy female cat is one fierce Queen! She barks at the cars that pass by her house - and it's non-stop barking no less. What's really funny is she sits up in an open window to do her sentry watch, fur bristled out to look larger than she is - sort of like when an ant stands up on a leaf to appear larger to intruders.

When the cat owner comes up with a video camera to record her unique style of 'watch-dogging' - and the cat is busted for barking - the cat starts meowing like a normal cat should. It's like 'You blew my cover, dude, now I have to look like a wimpy kitty for the camera.'"

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Animal, People, Work Cartoons

Ballard Street

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Animal, People, Work Cartoons: "From Denny: Enjoy these cartoons I've been collecting lately. The syndicated cartoonists no longer give out embed codes to the blogger types (and we know who we are). Who knows how long they will continue to enable these codes?

So, I am frantically going through all my draft posts to find the cartoons and get them up quickly. OK, it's really a labor of love because I get to grin while I create a post. It's a tough job but someone has to volunteer, right? :) Enjoy!"

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: How We See Ourselves: 26 Self-Portraits


Self-portrait photo by Árni Torfason @ flickr, All Rights Reserved with embed code available

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: How We See Ourselves: 26 Self-Portraits: "From Denny: We photographers have a lot of fun with technology. Check out the self-portrait challenges over at flickr I discovered while on one of my visual vacations. Some real beauties and clever composition to enjoy!"

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: Swirling Thoughts

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: Swirling Thoughts: "A poem about how we are all so connected that one person's misfortune feels like our own."

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Social Poets: Funny Colbert Interviews Janny Scott About Obamas Mother

A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack  Obama's Mother

The Social Poets: Funny Colbert Interviews Janny Scott About Obamas Mother: "From Denny: Colbert tries to nail down the mysterious  person of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, since the President has so far been unwilling to talk about her. It sounds like he had, perhaps still has, mixed feelings about his relationship with her.

A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother

Apparently, she met and married Obama's father in Hawaii when she was only seventeen years old. Hawaii is a multi-cultural state where interracial relationships are not the scandal as on the mainland. Though even back in the 1960's it raised some disapproving eyebrows. But she was a trail blazer."

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Social Poets: Fathers Day Posts: Quotes, Photos, Humor, Music. Poetry

happy fathers day

Happy Father's Day! photo by jwlphotography @ flickr, All Rights Reserved with embed code available

The Social Poets: Fathers Day Posts: Quotes, Photos, Humor, Music. Poetry: "From Denny:  Enjoy some funny quotes from fathers about being a father. Get inspired from some inspirational quotes about fathers and from fathers.

Enjoy two musicians - Keith Urban and Abel Ullon - and what they have to say about what it is like being a father and observing their own fathers as parents.

Most of all, enjoy some wonderful photography from a variety of amateurs and professionals, revealing fathers in their most intimate moments with their children. Taking a snooze, playing sand castle on the beach, riding on daddy's shoulder, hanging out with pregnant mom, daddy gazing into the eyes of  his newborn, daddy cookies baked just for him, playing 'kids in the bucket,' learning to play music, and getting kisses from his little girls on his special day to be honored - at least once a year! :)"

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: Those Funny Memories

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: Those Funny Memories: "From Denny: It is odd how the mind works, never knowing what will rise to the surface sometimes, no matter how organized and methodical you fancy yourself to be. I've often wondered what triggers old memories, especially the ones that make us chuckle."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Social Poets: Gabrielle Giffords: New Photos Since Shooting, Looks Great!

Gabby 18 months ago in January 2010

The Social Poets: Gabrielle Giffords: New Photos Since Shooting, Looks Great!: "From Denny: This week Gifford's staff put up on her facebook page more recent photos of her. These photos reveal a still vibrant woman with a healthy glow. What is so amazing is she just underwent yet another surgery. This time it was to replace part of her skull that had previously been removed months ago to allow the brain to swell from its injuries.

Good news! Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) is recovering at a rapid rate that astonishes and gladdens her doctors. To those of us - by the millions - who have prayed for her health and well being, this is proof positive how prayer works. Prayer is about giving energy to others when their energy is ebbing or weak. She looks wonderful!"

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Australia

Australian Canola Field

Australian Canola Field photo by Dreamscope Photography @ flickr, All Rights Reserved with embed code available

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: Beautiful Australia: "From Denny:  What a wonderful find is this photographer from Australia. She gives us a travelogue and history of the images she recorded of her country. The landscape exhibits a wild beauty, drenched in color.

Some excellent landscape photos and some penetrating character portraits are part of her collection over at flickr.  These photos of Australia go far beyond the usual tourism photos.  In fact, Australian travel and tourism should employ this photographer.  It sure makes me want to hop a plane and endure the excessively long ride from America just to see Australia!  There is a lot more to Australia than the Great Barrier Reef so often advertised.

But if you can't get time off to see Australia, this photographer sure makes you feel like you are there. Along the way, as you view her images, you get drawn into the culture and people of Australia. Enjoy the journey through her eyes!  I've included some of her observations, cultural information and comments.

All photos are from Dreamscope Photography @ flickr."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 12 June 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 12 June 2011: "From Denny: Check out what has been happening in the world of news, comedy, food, poetry, photography, art, music and more. In the past month a whirlwind of news occurred. World terrorist Osama bin Laden was hunted down and killed in a resort town in Pakistan where he had been hiding for the past six years. Supposedly, the Pakistanis were unaware of his presence there. Yeah? And I've got some swamp land in Louisiana to sell you too.

President Obama got a nice bump in approval ratings for about a week and then that fizzled as he resumed his usual do-nothing stance on the economy. Obama also continued with poisonous politics aimed at his own Democrats, throwing them all under the bus in favor of Big Business."

The Social Poets: Stealing Your Blog Content: Duplicate Content Farm

Stop Sign

The Social Poets: Stealing Your Blog Content: Duplicate Content Farm "From Denny: Do you know who is stealing your blog or site content of original articles and posts, even poetry?  Check out a serial violator of duplicate content on the internet.  He may be stealing from your blog or site.  How does it affect you on the internet when your copyright is violated?

The site known as Health News Gate, located at, is a duplicate content farm, stealing from all over the internet. He is based out of the Ukraine and ignores all contact letters of cease and desist. steals from all over the internet in areas of health, news, politics, sports, music, poetry, spiritual, you name it.  Just a duplicate content farm that Google has yet to put out of their search engine."

*** To find out more just click on the link ***

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Social Poets: Comics Lampoon Hapless Anthony Weiner, Weird Headlines, Photos

The Social Poets: Comics Lampoon Hapless Anthony Weiner, Weird Headlines, Photos: "From Denny: This poor schmuck is beginning to look sympathetic. It's like everyone is piling on, OK, dumping on him, everything they are angry about in life. Right now, with a down economy and no relief in sight, that's considerable.

It's like there is this ninth grade mentality that has taken over the media, screaming the crudest headlines in the newspapers, TV and online news. Check out the ridiculous photos of the Weinergate scandal.

Meanwhile, the comics are lampooning his stupid Twitter antics. Sadly, comic Jon Stewart is good friends with Weiner and feels betrayed after trying to defend Weiner.

When the Weiner scandal first broke I figured it was just more toxic politics in an election year and I ignored it. Then it drug on and the media carried it on the nightly news incessantly. I caught a CNN interview with Weiner and knew immediately he was lying and that he had, in fact, sent the photos and they were his photos.

He did not admit it in the interview but rather dodged the questions. It was his body language that gave him away. A few days later he finally admitted out loud what was true. Hey, at least he's a bad liar. That's the good news for a politician."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: Fathers Day

Visual Insights: Dennys Photo Gallery: Fathers Day: "From Denny: Check out these awesome photos I found for today's theme! Some wonderful offerings from amateur and professional photographers alike. The black and white photos have a very intimate quality to them. I liked the ones of girls smothering their dads with kisses as I liked to do the same with my grandfather and my favorite uncle when I was a little girl. They used to laugh and beam for hours afterward. Give the father in your life some love today. He deserves it! Of course, I had to include some humorous photos as well. Enjoy!"


Father and daughter taking a snooze photo by evankok @ flickr, All Rights Reserved with embed code available

Dennys World of Quotes: Fathers Day Quotes: Funny and Inspirational

happy fathers day
Happy Father's Day! photo by jwlphotography @ flickr, All Rights Reserved with embed code available

Dennys World of Quotes: Fathers Day Quotes: Funny and Inspirational: "Best quote: The father is always a Republican toward his son, and his mother's always a Democrat. - Robert Frost

Father's Day Quotes

He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. - Clarence Budington Kelland, U.S. Writer

A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. - Billy Graham, Christian Evangelist

The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.
- Theodore Hesburgh, Catholic Priest and President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame

How true Daddy's words were when he said: 'All children must look after their own upbringing.' Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. - Anne Frank, German Jew and Holocaust Victim

It is much easier to become a father than to be one. - Kent Nerburn, U.S. Author and Educator

We are given children to test us and make us more spiritual. - George Will, U.S. Journalist"

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Fathers Day Music: Keith Urban Sings Song For Dad

Dennys Art Sanctuary: Fathers Day Music: Keith Urban Sings Song For Dad: "From Denny: Keith Urban offers up his observations on fatherhood and how he has become much like his own father. 'Sometimes, women become their mothers when they grow up and sometimes men become their fathers' goes the saying.

Included are the poetic lyrics which paint a vivid picture of a child remembering his father."

Best Spiritual Posts: Christian Music: Fathers Day Song - My Dad by Abel Ullon

Best Spiritual Posts: Christian Music: Fathers Day Song - My Dad by Abel Ullon: "From Denny: Just in time for Father's Day is an original song from a South American artist now living in America, working on his American dream. He has a strong faith in God and weaves it into his music.

His parents are both musicians and started him young on a guitar. This song is a tribute to his father and, in a double meaning, it can also be seen as a tribute to Father God."

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Comfort Food From Louisiana: New Orleans Chef Sclafani Silver Medal Winner: Seared Scallops, Truffled Corn Pudding

Chef's Surprise: Sea ScallopsAnother scallop recipe by ulterior epicure via Flickr

Comfort Food From Louisiana: New Orleans Chef Sclafani Silver Medal Winner: Seared Scallops, Truffled Corn Pudding: "From Denny: President Obama is a huge fan of scallops, often ordering them when he dines out. Yeah, me too, as long as they are those huge honking ocean scallops! The beauty of scallops is they cook up quickly and are a light food for the summer heat.

This is one of the winning recipes from last week's New Orleans Wine and Food Experience (NOWFE), one of the top food and wine shows in America. The five-day event entertained a hungry and discriminating crowd in the Crescent City."