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Saturday, March 19, 2011
Super Moon: Symbolic Spiritual Meaning
Moon Photo from starryskies.com
From Denny: There is a legend that goes along with the Super Moon event where earthquakes, volcanoes erupting and general human mayhem happens. Astrologer Richard Noelle put forth that idea about 30 years ago. Most scientists disagree with him. But then astrology is part science and part spiritual. Science is just analytical "touch me but don't emotionally feel me" investigation determined only by what you can physically prove.
The Super Moon happens about every 20 years as the moon comes closer to Earth in its elliptical, egg-shaped, orbit. It does exert a bit more gravitational pull and it's debatable as to whether it influences weather and people.
What the Moon represents on a spiritual level is our instinct. The Super Moon is considered special in spiritual belief systems. Why? This Super Moon is happening in the constellation Virgo and together they speak to a need for healing by breaking through. It's the kind of dramatic healing where you feel like you had a breakdown as it was so much effort to get to that healing.
Spiritual circles talk about "mutable energy." Mutable means to break apart and then rearrange the broken pieces into a different whole, creating something wonderful and new. Think of those beautiful sand mandalas the Tibetan monks spend hours and days creating, then they brush them away and begin again.
Astrological Super Moon chart from Ricahrd Noelle
Richard Noelle, the astrologer that wrote about the Super Moon legend: "Super Moons are noteworthy for their close association with extreme tidal forces working in what astrologers of old used to call the sublunary world: the atmosphere, crust and oceans of our home planet - including ourselves, of course."
What the science guys missed here was how Noelle was referencing the spiritual transformation this Super Moon can represent - and present to us for reflection. The universal healing forces of Virgo and Pisces are the spiritual energies present during this Super Moon. These two energies combined, according to astrologers, is about being called to a service higher than the Self. This is a time to make a commitment to devoting your personal energies to the highest Good, along with humility and surrender of the ego to Spirit.
Ancient astrologers often blended science, astronomy and spiritual all together, often too much for modern minds. What they are talking about is how a mutable moon likes to shake things up. Virgo represents the Earth and so during a mutable moon there are earth changes. With Pisces as a water sign the spiritual symbolism to pay attention to right now is about how to adapt ourselves to new situations, feeling fluid in the moment.
So often the cosmos are a reflection of us, just on a much larger scale. Think of a planetary body and then think of your own body. The planetary body has an atmosphere and so do you. On a spiritual level, this is a time to detox the air (your thoughts), water (your emotions), earth (your physical space) and fire (obstacles to living your life with passion). In short, this is a special time to get spiritually stronger and try to meet the intensity of this moment during the Super Moon.
A Super Moon is a healing presence in your life as you make the adaptations and adjustments. It can create a cosmic alignment to your path of life service, maybe even a few personal miracles! So, "go with the flow" of this moment. Allow the crust of old wounds to break away. Enjoy the new healing as it emerges to help you walk your spiritual path, a renewed and stronger person.
For the astronomy version over at my science blog:
Super Moon Phenomenon: Gorgeous Illusion Worth Watching
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