Quotes with thought-provoking comments, contemplating the spiritual. Inspiration for lovers of words and deep thoughts. Thank you for your visit! - Denny Lyon
Thursday, February 10, 2011
How Does Solitude Help Define Us?
From Denny: How often do we need to get away from our present environment just to get a different perspective? We take holidays away from work and feel refreshed when we return. We enjoy seasonal holidays for a different turn of mind and feelings. We celebrate a special moment like a birthday, an anniversary, a special occasion.
When we turn our attention away from the "group think" into a smaller group think like family or friends, instead of the work environment or society at large, we get a chance to examine our priorities, wants and needs.
Solitude taken to the level of just spending time with the inner self takes our reflection to the deepest level of contemplation and consideration. That is when it becomes crystal clear what is bubbling up into our thoughts arises from our authentic self.
Take some time today to separate your authentic self from the crowd - and listen to your heart. You have a wonderful message to speak.
Solitude shows us what should be; society shows us what we are. - Robert Cecil
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