From Denny: Writing on several levels simultaneously is always a joy, especially in the form of poetry. People find it more enjoyable to interpret the poems on their own. But since this is my spiritual blog I thought I'd mention some of the most obvious spiritual symbols present in this poem.
water = spirituality
mist and fog = Spirit
herons and egrets = change coming
the moon = represents change and feminine spiritual energy
the sun = life giving and masculine spiritual energy
cats = healing
golden color = ancient healing light and knowledge
planet Venus = Love
night and day = balance and transition
stumbling in the dark = how we often find our way in life
coffee drink = comfort and celebration of the new
humor = brings joy into our hearts
The reason this is a healing poem is because it speaks to connecting with all around us and viewing all in our life as a spiritual experience, therefore drawing strength and balance.
When the day - and I - awaken, present in the moment.

Waking The Day
When I suddenly awakened from the long night’s hot summer sleep
The energizing scent of coffee brewing wafted around the corner.
I stumbled in the dark, bouncing off the doorway, fumbling for the kitchen lights.
I saw cats waiting eagerly at the back door, wide-eyed nocturnal keepers of the yard.

Measuring out fresh food into their three bowls, then wisely throwing open the door.
They looked up at me, measuring me more than their food, wondering how awake,
Hugging the doorway, quietly gliding through the opening instead of their usual burst.
The golden tiger cat squeaked his morning gossip of the neighborhood nightly report.

Steaming dark brown coffee breathed foggy swirls, spilling into the pristine mug.
The hot libation slid down my throat as it gave off its sweet Ethiopian perfume.
Drinking coffee before speaking plays first in the slumbering beginnings at my house.
Glancing at the cats, all lined in a row, they ate heartily as if miners just off a long shift.

I stepped out into the night to view the sparkling stars before they faded to the day.
The sky was astounding in its simple beauty; the love planet Venus the brightest smile.
How could anyone not smile in return when the planets seem to speak lovingly to us?
So many stars, so many messages written in the sky, our Universe speaks unceasingly.

Pouring another offering of coffee, I pulled up a chair on the porch to view the lake.
I could witness early morning on the water a thousand times, never to be disappointed.
Smoke rose on the water, little ghostly fingers walking forward on the mirrored surface.
Three mallard ducks emerged from the mist, swimming my way, dancing long strides.
Huge prehistoric wings filled the air with a swooping sound and blanketed darkness.
A blue heron landed to fish his breakfast, blending into the smoky gray surrounding mist.
Soon a white egret flew in from the east, careful to move down to another fishing hole.
In the dim light a neighbor fished, sitting, pole in hand as his coffee scent filled the air.

Faint pink embers, the growing light, were filling the sky just above the rooftop horizon.
The blue heron stalked the shallows on his long legs, searching the moving warm waters.
A sudden splash, beak dove down, retrieving a huge fish he flung high on to the bank.
The egret caught small fishes, silver glints in the sunlight, tossed into the air, swallowed.

Two cups of coffee later it was time to check back in the house to rouse my husband.
Entering the room, he slumbered peacefully, his breath shallow; I knew he was awake.
The golden tiger cat pounced onto the bed and onto his chest, demanding attention.
His eyes closed, my husband smiled and knew he had not fooled either one of us.
Denny Lyon
Copyright 17 Sept 2010
All Rights Reserved
Photo Credits
Steaming coffee in white cup photo by Kvasov Andrey @ flickr
Pink embers sunrise photo by Indy Kethdy @ flickr
Two great white egrets photo by flythebirdpath~} teddy @ flickr
The night sky photo by James Jordan @ flickr (combination of two photos)
Smoke on the water photo by flamesworddragon @ flickr
Ducks swimming under full moon photo by joiseyshowaa @ flickr
Fairy tale moon photo by davedehetre @ flickr
Golden cat in shadow photo by 1 suisse @ flickr
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