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From Denny: C. S. Lewis is another one of those spiritual writers - in yet another generation - whose wisdom still rings true today. So often people just don't place their vision high enough in Life and then wonder why they are so disappointed when good things don't happen for them.
When we give ourselves purposeful higher visions of the soul as our aspirations then we are never disappointed as Life unfolds. When we limit ourselves to a small vision that can be the realm of the self-absorbed or self-centered then we are sure to be disappointed. To feel fulfilled we must reach out to others outside of ourselves and beyond our immediate family and friends.
If you don't have the money or time for specialized charity work, don't worry. Your prayers of goodwill for strangers you may never meet all over the world is the most powerful charity you can do. Trust it that there are strangers on the other side of the world who are also praying good things for you! It's that Law of Reciprocity in action as a universal spiritual principle.
* Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither. - C. S. Lewis
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