
Monday, July 5, 2010

How Does Change Crash Into Our Lives to Build Anew?

*** Why do the confident among us find it easy to embrace change?

From Denny: Have you ever thought about the concept of change as just a neutral subject? Hard to do for us human types, isn't it? :)

The spiritual energy of change is much like a car. It is neither good nor bad but rather it is who is at the driving wheel that determines our destination. How we drive our "vehicle of change" is determined solely by our attitude and world outlook.

That's why it's important to purposefully focus upon positive events and remembrances in our personal experiences. The negative will easily be remembered. The problem of those negative experiences is that it speaks to holding onto and recycling negative dark energy for too long. That practice causes terrible imbalance in us.

Holding and caressing positive beautiful energy only seeks to energize us with more Life and Hope. So, when change comes into our lives - and it surely will - it is easier to be flexible and adapt purposefully in a fulfilling way that brings us happiness.


* Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better. - James Gordon, M.D.

*** Photo by rore @ flickr

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