From Denny: When you are a serious student of spirituality - it is easy to forget that in all the striving to develop - it's often a great idea to stop long enough to check out your progress. This quote made me laugh in its simple truth!
In the early stages when you are applying yourself to personal growth it is not so easy to flow with the Spirit so you miss the obvious sometimes. When you finally do get in tune with Spirit you are taken to inner places naturally and with ease.
The most profound way to assess your growth is to return to a place in your past, like a school or hometown that has not changed. It will quickly become clear how much you have grown and changed since you left. You will even be amused at how much your thoughts have grown in awareness.
There is no wistful sadness of what you left behind but rather a joyful celebration of what you learned to embrace that benefits the good of all.
* There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. - Michael Fry and T. Lewis, "Over the Hedge"
*** Photo by *clairity* @ flickr
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