Angel foot Photo by Denny Lyon @ flickr
From Denny: One of my favorite digital playgrounds is the Flickr database. Since Flickr instituted the Galleries feature where you can go and pull any photo and place up to 18 photos in that gallery, I've been having a lot of fun! There are over 5,000 favorites bookmarked over the years in my Flickr collection and this is a great way to focus it.
As I was pulling this post together I was struck by how many poems I've written in regard to angels: dreams, visions, observations in life, personal experiences you name it - so I included links to those writes.
You are welcome to use my personal angel photos here. Please include a link back to the flickr page with "Denny Lyon" as attribution instead of "image source" - thanks! You can also use these other photos here with the same kind of link and attribution. Creative Commons is a pretty sweet deal when you are an online writer and need some photos for your posts or online article! Thank you to all the other flickr photographers who have been generous enough to place some of their photos in the Creative Commons area.

One Angel Wing Photo by Denny Lyon
To read about how angels impact our lives - and how we impact them:
Angel Diaries: Samuel
Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World
Angels Bridge
When The Angels Cry For Us
Flinging Dirt
The Long Road
Take a look at the other photo goodies I found on this subject of angels:

Detail of Angel Wings Photo by MR TGT @ flickr

Flying Angel Wings Photo by gingibar @ flickr

Unspoken Angel Prayer by GettysGirl @ flickr
From the photographer:
I believe angels carry our unspoken prayers heavenward. . .

Baby angel wings Photo by Pink Sherbet Photography as D. Sharon Pruitt @ flickr

Weary Angel Photo by GettysGirl @ flickr
From the photographer:
With all that is going on in the world . . . war, economic woes, pandemic threats, homelessness, poverty, abuse against animals and mankind . . . I can imagine that the angels watching over us are growing weary.

Angel Photo by JVT.eci.apps @ flickr
an angel is nobody in particular...
Thorns and stings
And those such things
Just make stronger
Our angel wings

Angel wings seen across the sky Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

5 Doves Angel Wings Photo by tanakawho @ flickr

Angel wings sculpture Photo by ctoverdrive @ flickr

Angel Wings closeup Photo by Katherine_Davis @ flickr

Angel Wings' Reflection Photo by Delphine @ flickr

Angel wings fluttering Photo by Space Cowboy @ flickr

Angel standing guard Photo by Andrew Michaels @ flickr

Angels leaving Photo by polandeze @ flickr
To read about how angels impact our lives - and how we impact them:
Angel Diaries: Samuel
Angels Left Behind: Orphans of the World
Angels Bridge
When The Angels Cry For Us
Flinging Dirt
The Long Road
This week at Beautiful Illustrated Quotations:
Step Out into the Unknown with Ease
Shoes in Church poem
48 Post Roundup: Dennys Blogs 7 Mar 2010
10 Make You Think Fantasy Photos
A Beautiful Poem For When We Dream
*** For more photos posts, please visit Visual Insights!
*** All these photos are from Flickr Creative Commons. Please click on the link for more information for using on your site or blog - and sometimes, photographers include wonderful poems and quotes with their photos.
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