Blue boat photo by cloudzilla @ flickr
From Denny: How easy it is to get our spirits down when Life jumps up and slaps us. I ran across this quote months ago and thought it wonderful then. Today it is even more poignant as I've watched the news. For months the American economy is in turmoil, people by the millions have lost jobs and not replaced them. Terrible earthquakes in Haiti and Chile have left families split apart and destitute.
With so much negativity going on, people look at each other and wonder what is there in Life to sing about? When tough times come along and enter our lives, it is important to take stock of even the smallest things for which we can be grateful.
Why is gratitude so important? Gratitude is powerful. It has the magic strength to heal our hearts when they hurt and are disappointed. Gratitude can help restore our hope. Gratitude helps us develop a new time line, a new path in Life. As you shift your focus to what gratitude reminds you, you will find you are digging yourself out of self-absorption and fear. Gratitude will free you from despair so you can move easily into the next phase of your life.
Included are a couple of links to previous posts, one about Haiti in the news. What the news clip shows is that the Haitians are not cursing God for their misfortune, rather they are literally singing. They choose to sing their way through tough times. What a powerful statement heard around the world!
* Life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. - Voltaire
*** ALSO: 2 Months Later: Haiti Still Suffers Yet Has Faith
3 Quotes About Facing Tough Times
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