From Denny: Every Friday I put up an original poem for the Libations Friday segment over at my news, politics and poetry blog, The Social Poets. I also like to pair wonderful photography from my friends over at flickr with my poems. Discover someone new and enjoy their photos! Here is this week's offering:

Today was one of those triumphant days when a friend broke through into a new realization of where fear had taken her was a place she did not find comfortable. There comes a time in our spiritual development that we cannot return to the "tried and true" of third dimensional thinking and doing. We must finally stop, be still, patient, learn to wait and trust. When we do, life falls into place faster and into a better fit.
Often we are restless but cannot pinpoint as to why. We rush off to solve our immediate problems by creating still another. Usually, it's best to stop long enough to listen inside ourselves to learn where we belong at each moment of our life. When we do, we ease into a harmonious perfect rhythm that enriches us on so many levels. Take the time to honor yourself today and grow in your awareness.

Honoring Ourselves

Today I was faraway deep in thought,
Tapping away the late winter sighs and
Pondering the way of honoring ourselves,
Gathering the movies of life in my mind.

I looked over my shoulder at the day that was
And smiled to the moments of the hours
That touched lightly in their passing each other,
Stepping the path of the footprints left behind.

The natural rhythms of the day progressed,
Cooking meals, cleaning dishes and laundry,
Working at the office, returning to reunite,
Unwinding into easy conversations enjoyed.

Pulling the warm covers over as we sleep,
Cats crawling up to claim their blanket spot,
We talk quietly aloud of our heart’s thoughts,
Easing from the day into the calming night.

Sliding into rest, our eyes flutter and close,
Our silent dreams liberated once again,
Our tour guide clutches us tightly as we
Journey on the wings of our thoughts.

The sights we see, all that’s imagined is true,
Collecting thoughts, creating fresh reality,
We spiral down through the dark to view,
Awakening to our creation of the new day.

Denny Lyon
Copyright 5 March 2010
All Rights Reserved
*** For more poetry, please visit on Fridays at The Social Poets!
*** Have a great weekend!
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Eagle flying between day and dream Photo by alicepopkorn @ flickr
Oceans of waterfalls Photo by Big Jobs @ flickr
Peace found at the water's edge Photo by lepiaf.geo @ flickr
Daydreaming Tree sunset landscape Photo by Harold Laudeus @ flickr
Daydreaming in the fields Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr
Footprints within the dream Photo by lepiaf.geo @ flickr
Eagle gliding low over the ocean Photo by lepiaf.geo @ flickr
Awakening single flower Photo by Harold Laudeus @ flickr