From Denny: Have you ever felt restless and didn't know why? After you ran down a list of "maybe whys" it still didn't make any sense. Too often we have these strong desires pulling us but without the intellectual explanation to help us make sense of it all.
When one life test after another gets heaped onto us we grouse and worry how we will get through it. We always do get through it, even when it was the darkest. Suddenly, we turn around one day when there is a quiet calm lull in our life and we realize that we have arrived at the very place we most desired to be. Our vision was fulfilled. Our vision was fulfilled in a manner unexpected and with far greater turmoil than we would have scripted for ourselves. Yet here we are!
* Vision doesn't usually come as a lightening bolt. Rather it comes as a slow crystallization of life challenges that we one day recognize as a beautiful diamond with great value to ourselves and others. - Dr. Michael Norwood
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