Photo by h.koppdelaney @ flickr, a practicing Buddhist from Germany
5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem
"Soul affirmations are a way to look at nourishing your patient ancient soul and convincing your ego to play nice, cooperate and learn to share with others while letting your soul out to play. It’s a way to blend the wise with the younger part of self still in the learning stage.
Our egos are trained and shaped and often defeated by the family and national culture into which we are born. Once we become adults it is up to us to parent those parts of ourselves that have been undernourished, neglected. Often we have been denied acceptance, understanding and love."
By Denny Lyon @ HubPages
From Denny: As we go into the holiday season and the cooling weather to prepare for winter when Nature sleeps and rests, our thoughts turn inward to reexamine our lives and meditate upon inner healing.
Though I choose to be a mystical Christian, this article can really apply to any religion or life philosophy based upon self-improvement so we can better understand the Life around us. There are wonderful art photos for the poem too, enjoy!
5 Powerful Soul Affirmations, Soul Journey Poem