From Denny: As I was researching funny marriage quotes for my newer blog housing funny quotes, Dennys Funny Quotes, I practically fell off my chair when I read this one by our beloved Gandhi which the West holds in such high esteem. We often forget that even the saints among us had to learn the road to sainthood, reminding us it can be an arduous journey.
On the serious side of thought, this quote reveals a lot of soul-searching on Gandhi's part about the equality of men and women and the seeking of a more positive manner in which to live that relationship.
You really have to appreciate his sense of humor and personal humility in stating this lesser known quote.
* I first learned the concepts of non-violence in my marriage. - Mahatma Gandhi.
(Gandhi was a philosopher from India who had studied to become a Christian Methodist minister in Victorian England but abandoned it because of the English racism. He was also internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest against British colonial rule, 1869-1948.)
Photo by LadyAmada @ flickr