
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Charm, Folly and Life!

Gerald and Betty Ford escort Richard and Pat N...Image via Wikipedia

From Denny: How often have we been wooed by the latest charm offensive of some deceitful politician trying to get our vote only to make us angry later for giving it to them? This quote will make you laugh it off!

Even the much hated President Nixon had at least one redeeming quality, as few people are only one-dimensional. Nixon played the piano handsomely for friends and family. It was like another person sat down at that piano and when the music played he was transformed into a decent guy. Sadly, the jovial attitude only lasted as long as the music... Well, I guess he is one politician who will never be accused of being too nice or boring. History seems to enjoy its villains.

"Every man has his follies - and often they are the most interesting thing he has got." - Josh Billings

Photo: Nixon leaving the White House after he just resigned, the 1st President to ever do so.

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