
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Are You Honest and Honorable with Yourself?

NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art - Death of So...From New York City Metropolitan Museum of Art: The Death of Socrates - Image by wallyg via Flickr

From Denny: I've always enjoyed a comment or two from the ancient past from the brainy Greek thinkers like Socrates. His deep thoughts have survived the test of time as well as bad translations! :)

How many of us stop long enough in our daily life to reflect upon if we are really living our lives with honor in the world? This is why I enjoy quotations so much as they are like daily meditations to give us a short checklist of what to consider as we live from moment to moment. And Socrates, well, the man not only had wit, he had game!

"The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be." - Socrates

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