
Monday, December 31, 2012

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: New Years Reflection: Wine Glass Abyss

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: New Years Reflection: Wine Glass Abyss: *** In spite of all the negatives going on around us in our daily life these things shall soon pass. Keep your balance and strive to better the world.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

5 Amazing Hope Quotes

Faith, Love, Hope Quote Thank You Cards (Pk of 10)
Thank You cards @

From Denny:  Hope.  We all know what it feels like when hope blooms deep inside our hearts.  We all enjoy it when our minds turn to thoughts of hope lifting us up when we need encouragement.

Considering the tragic shooting of 20 little children and their 6 teachers in Connecticut this month right before the Christmas holiday, the economy and job worries of Americans, Hope seems to be in short supply this season.

Here are a few quotes to jump start your Hope again and pull you out of feeling blue or full blown depressed.  Sometimes, Life can get overwhelming.  Good people often wonder if all they do in the world and for the people in it is really worth it because it appears on the outside that little has changed.  That's why it's good to have a few strategies tucked away in your pocket for just those tough times when you need to pull yourself out of a negative spiral and pump yourself back up with some inspiration.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Christmas Post: True Christmas Story: Funny Christmas Conversations

Le Père Noël en chair et en barbe !

A Christmas Post: True Christmas Story: Funny Christmas Conversations: From Denny:  Think back. How much can you remember about the things your parents used to tell you about Santa? This Christmas Eve my husband and I started that conversation. Though we have been married many years there were still some things we did not know about each other.

We laughed about the incredible stories our parents told us on Christmas Eve. It was becoming a contest between whose parents were the most outrageous storytellers.

Do you remember the funny and downright lame excuses your parents used to give you when talking about Santa coming to visit on Christmas Eve? 3 videos.

Peace Christmas Star Round Ornament

Enjoy the profound Peace of the Christmas season!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Comfort Food From Louisiana: 8 Roast Turkey Recipes: Thanksgiving and Christmas

Photo provided by Campbell Soup Co.Create a memorable holiday menu with Roast Turkey With Mushroom Stuffing.

Comfort Food From Louisiana: 8 Roast Turkey Recipes: Thanksgiving and Christmas: From Denny:  Looking for an interesting recipe twist to the holiday dinner?  Want a modern version of a classic turkey recipe?  Whether it's Thanksgiving or Christmas good cooks everywhere like to try a new recipe for the holidays every now and then.

Now matter how much we love tradition there are those times when a new recipe is the hit of the season and the family says, "This one is a winner; make it for next year too!"  And that's how many food traditions start.

I'm one of those cooks that likes to compare a pack of recipes against each other to determine which I like best.  Sometimes, I'm just searching for a good tweak on what I'm already making for the feast.  Other years I'm just so bored making the same ol' thing I have to have a change somewhere in the menu.

Funny Friday Weekend iPhone 5 Case

Tell the world how you really feel about coming back to work.  Proceeds go to helping homeless female military vets.  Check it out on the shopkeeper's bio at Denny Lyon Gifts.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A Truth Journal: Corrupt Billionaires Denied: Obama Gets 2nd Term Mandate, More Firsts Too

  Barack Obama Mitt Romney us electoral map

A Truth Journal: Corrupt Billionaires Denied: Obama Gets 2nd Term Mandate, More Firsts Too:

From Denny:  Kiss off, billionaire Koch Brothers - and park your XL Pipeline where the sun doesn't shine.  President Obama's back in town. And he has a lot of female company.  Even though this was primarily an election to protect the status quo, rejecting a societal return to the set of Mad Men, there were some "firsts."

There are five new female senators, completing a 20 group, the largest amount ever in the Senate. Senator-elect Elizabeth Warren is the first woman senator elected from the state of Massachusetts in its history.  Col. Tammy Duckworth, a disabled Iraq War vet, won her Illinois House seat after getting trashed by the Republicans as not patriotic enough.  She only lost both her legs in service to her country.  Wisconsin's Senator-elect Tammy Baldwin is the first openly gay woman elected too.

And the territory of Puerto Rico voted for the first time by 54 percent to decide to become America's 51st state.  It is a non-binding resolution which means Congress has to approve it.  Puerto Rico has done a lot of soul-searching for decades on this issue.  To date, as a territory, they are not allowed to vote - yet are American citizens.  How will their vote, if granted, change the political process?  Can you imagine just how much the Republicans will fight to stop that possibility?  It's their worst nightmare.

Nala Name iPhone 5 Case

Nala deserves her own personalized iPhone case! Many more pet products available in this design.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Truth Journal: Will Your Kids' Mock Election Votes Influence Your Vote?

From Denny:   As a way to teach students the election process mock elections occurred across the country last week.  Right here in Louisiana, involving 88,600 students across the state from 280 public, private and home schooling, they voted President Obama into a second term.  Louisiana broke for Obama by a margin of 51.29 percent to Romney's 48.71 percent.

From Angie Franklin, the gifted program teacher at Peabody Montessori in Alexandria, Louisiana,  "Our objective was to make sure the kids here in the school knew what the election process was.  And why it's so important, every four years, to vote."

Lulu Name Large Mug

Lulu feels special when you drink coffee with her in the morning! - check out more pet name designs!

Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @

Louie Name Round Ornament

Funny Louie deserves his own Christmas ornament to show him how special he is!  - check out more pet name designs!

Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dennys World of Quotes: 73 Funny Halloween Quotes and Famous Poems

Dennys World of Quotes: 73 Funny Halloween Quotes and Famous Poems: From Denny:  Everyone have a fun Halloween night!  Attended our local symphony this week (awesome performance of complex Russian music) and didn't you know there was a middle-aged woman with the fun Halloween spirit.  (The kids in attendance sure enjoyed it.) She did her makeup like a zombie and quickly woke up the old guys snoring in the back row.  There is nothing more enjoyable than the unexpected just when you thought something would be oh, too predictable. :)

Halloween Spider Web Large Mug

Check out this glistening silver spider web for your Halloween and autumn entertaining!

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Truth Journal: Laugh: Jon Stewart Tells It Like It Is About VP Debate

Host Jon Stewart in the studio of The Daily Sh...

A Truth Journal: Laugh: Jon Stewart Tells It Like It Is About VP Debate: From Denny:  Junkyard dog VP Joe Biden smacked down his snarky Republican opponent, Paul Ryan, in the first few nano seconds of the debate.

Then Biden picked up the dazed talking parrot and slammed him against the barn door for lying every time he opened his mouth with phony statistics and fantasy GOP sponsored "studies."  Debate done; Biden won hands down.  We were all cheering at our house as this was the best TV we had seen in years.

Just check out all the funny news clips Jon Stewart collected from the sore loser side, the Republicans.  These three video clips are hilarious; the truth revealed in fast time.  The best is how Stewart took my fellow journalists to task for some really childish reporting, something I've fussed about for years.

Life on the Bayou Shower Curtain

Life on the Bayou Shower Curtain - available in many styles of t-shirts too

For all the fans of TV show True Blood: My landlord is a FANGER. My boss? A WEREWOLF. And my partner is a real FAIRY. Life on the bayou...

Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -  see what's new!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Social Poets: New Denny Lyon Designs: 11 September 2001 Anniversary Yard Sign, T-Shirt

11 September 2012 anniversary design

The Social Poets: New Denny Lyon Designs: 11 September 2001 Anniversary Yard Sign, T-Shirt: From Denny:  Today is a special day of remembrance here in America and many parts of the world.  I created this design for my reader friends over at the Pentagon, White House, CIA, State Department and FBI for this anniversary to let them know I was thinking of them.

Proceeds go to funding my charity for homeless female military veterans.  Currently, there are only a couple of half-way houses in North Carolina - woefully underfunded - desperately trying to address the problem of over 5,000 homeless women vets.  The majority are young single mothers.

So, I'm raising funds using my art, creativity and photos for the effort, designing for a wide variety of products over at Cafe Press: clothing, technology, signage, home decor, drink ware, stationery and more.  Please take a look at Denny Lyon Gifts and express your support for the fallen - and those still healing.

September 11th Framed Tile

September 11th Framed Tile

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Social Poets: 2012 DNC Complete Speech: First Lady Michelle Obama, Hard Work More Important Than Income

Michelle Obama, official White House portrait.
Michelle Obama, official White House portrait. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Social Poets: 2012 DNC Complete Speech: First Lady Michelle Obama, Hard Work More Important Than Income:  From Denny:  This is the speech touted by analysts as flawlessly and passionately delivered.  Michelle Obama is definitely President Obama's best asset in this close election.  Her popularity soars higher than his by a long shot.

She is also known as the Hugger In Chief, slowing down receiving lines and event visits to stop and hug everyone who wants that close and kindly connection.  Kids love her.

Of course, her aides all groan as she takes far too long (their estimation) to make it down the way to start an event.  Awesome Hugging is quickly becoming her signature.  I find it delightful in a time when society is always too much in a hurry to stop and really notice one person at a time.

It will be interesting to see, decades from now, how her hugging visits affected and inspired some of those kids to go into politics or public service.  Remember, it was President Bill Clinton that met President John Kennedy in person when he was a teen.  That meeting inspired Clinton to go into public service.

Philosopher Wise Owl Women's Dark T-Shirt

Philosopher Wise Owl says: Create your niche, forget about what the other guy gets, be happy!

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!  (yes, my new charity - why stand on the sidelines when you can actively do something about a problem?)

Related Articles

Hurricane Adventure: Cooking by Candlelight on the Bayou

Funny Jokes: Republican Convention, Hurricane Isaac, Galilee Sex Scandal

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Social Poets: Hurricane Adventure: Cooking by Candlelight on the Bayou

Hurricane Vampire Survivor Mousepad
Hurricane Vampire Survivor Mousepad

The Social Poets: Hurricane Adventure: Cooking by Candlelight on the Bayou: From Denny:  Have you ever noticed that when you go off the grid your mind turns to comedy?  OK, during a hurricane the mind often slides on down toward dark humor.

After all, your brain is geared up to engage with technology and suddenly finds itself in total withdrawal.  And, it's a good thing that humor was created.  It's the best weapon in the human arsenal for survival.

I went off the grid for three days - and hot sweaty nights - during the very long week of Hurricane Isaac...

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Happy Birthday Star Trek Spock, Leonard Nimoy: Funny Satire, The Lazy Song Video 

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Cat Philosopher: Curty Teaches Success and Happiness

Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Seizing Opportunity

Cat Philosopher: Curty Teaches About Love

Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Inner Peace

Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Friendship

Cat Philospher: Curty Talks About Temptation 

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Social Poets: What Obama and Romney Should Be Talking About: These 2 Sick Little Girls

Thank You

The Fish girls:  Alice, left and Natalie, right -  Source:  Fishes For Marrow Wishes-Sisters

The Social Poets: What Obama and Romney Should Be Talking About: These 2 Sick Little Girls: From Denny:  It's time to stop the madness along with the childish political campaign bickering.  Americans don't want to hear it anyway.  There are bigger issues at stake like the lives of these two seriously ill little girls from Utah, Natalie and Alice Fish.  In light of what this one American family is enduring should shame all the national politicians who are so self-absorbed they have not stopped long enough to notice.

I'm so disgusted with the 2012 election's childish name-calling tone and enabling media encouraging it that I change the channel constantly.  As a respite yesterday I went up on my page at Google + to catch up on those who friended me.

Well, it turned out these little Fish girls' parents friended me (that's a link to their Google+ page).  It's a good thing I always take the time to read a profile page or I might have missed this struggling life drama of a middle class family.  These little girls are real troopers and have been living in and out of hospitals since they were born.  Their parents are to be commended for going the distance with not just one child but now two with this rare problem. 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Social Poets: Romney Self-Destructs: Chose Tea Party Favorite Paul Ryan As VP

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, right, jokes with U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin in April during a pancake brunch at Bluemound Gardens in Milwaukee.

The Social Poets: Romney Self-Destructs: Chose Tea Party Favorite Paul Ryan As VP: From Denny:  If you thought the Romney campaign could not get any worse with the political gaffes and missteps, now hear this.  Yes, Romney just chose ultra conservative - and nationally hated - Rep. Paul Ryan as his VP running mate.

That certainly is a game changer, boys, the wrong one.  Well, guess Obama can now count on a second term after all - provided he keeps his political strategists like Axelrod and Plouffe from being his surrogates.  They really are just too sleazy for public viewing.

Romney's VP pick certainly increases Obama's chances at a second term, especially with Papa Joe as the ever-endearing Obama VP that is good for the country.  VP Joe Biden is the stark contrast of a caring person with a stellar foreign policy knowledge and experience compared to the punk attitude of Ryan.  Joe will eat up Ryan in any debates.  That stupid decision of the Republican strategists to fire up the conservative base will cost Romney the election as it did for McCain when he chose Sarah Palin.

Funny Black Cats Coffee Men's Dark T-Shirt

Not ready for the world before your cup of joe? "Quit hissing, COFFEE's brewing!" Get your Halloween laugh on!

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Social Poets: New York Times Un-American To Criticize Olympics Athlete Lolo Jones Before Race

LoLo Jones during Doha 2010 World Indoor Champ...
LoLo Jones during Doha 2010 World Indoor Championships (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Social Poets: New York Times Un-American To Criticize Olympics Athlete Lolo Jones Before Race: From Denny:  Now we enter the den of The Media Stupid, courtesy of the compromised New York Times. There seems to be a rather nasty bunch of writers over there these days, a sharp detour away from the stable of interesting intellectuals they once sported.

The current group has too many members who are all about plagiarizing letters to the editor (like what happened to me one too many times so I quit reading them years ago, then started up my own pack of blogs as a copyrighted version of letters to the editor.  Hey, it works for me.)

Their other favorite tactic now is ripping an Olympic athlete just days before competition.  How un-American can you get to criticize any athlete representing your country just before competition?

Funny Nobody is Perfect Women's Light T-Shirt

Smile while you promote yourself with satire

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Social Poets: Obamas Axelrod, Bushs Rove: How Corrupt Are They? Have They Hurt The Country?

President Barack Obama talks with White House ...
President Barack Obama talks with White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senior Advisor David Axelrod during the flight from Paris to Caen, Normandy, June 6, 2009 in the Boeing C-32A (usually the Vice President and First Family air plane) being used as Air Force One. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Social Poets: Obamas Axelrod, Bushs Rove: How Corrupt Are They? Have They Hurt The Country?: From Denny:  If Obama's Axelrod's lips are moving, then it must be a lie.  Same goes for Bush's Rove.  They both have strongly demonstrated they are political opportunists and willing money whores, selling out to the highest bidder.

For more than the past four years I've watched this political strategist called David Axelrod.  He claims to be a Democrat but has yet to convince me this is true.

Like I said, his lips are moving but his deeds say different.  What has happened is that he has been found out in so many lies, misstatements and half-truths that they are piled so high upon one another like a pile of bones on a weathered battlefield - out in the open for all to see.

His latest gaffe is "leaking national security secrets" like the special computer virus that so annoyed the Iran regime at their nuclear facilities.  Of course, he "protests too much" that everyone strongly suspects he personally did it.

Funny Coffee Demand Men's Fitted T-Shirt

Ahem... COFFEE! with steaming cup of joe just in case anyone has any doubts as to what you need right now

* * *  Please support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new! 
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 227 Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs 1 August 2012

Week in the field—July 13th, 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 227 Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs 1 August 2012: From Denny:  With about 100 days until the 2012 election for a new President or a second term for President Obama, there is a lot stirring around in the news.  Both the Romney and Obama campaigns are working hard to influence opinion polls and the news coverage.

Somewhere along the way the truth has been buried.  Yet scandal after scandal emerges from the Obama administration while Romney stumbles with international gaffes.  All this explains why the polls reveal two-thirds of America thinks we are on the wrong track.

Funny Normal is Boring Organic Men's Fit Tee dk

Throw out your funny challenge of the day - Normal is Boring... Step Aside

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 15 Funny Tasty July Fourth Posts

Cover of "Happy Birthday, America"

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: 15 Funny Tasty July Fourth Posts: From Denny:  Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday time off.  It certainly is hotter than ever this summer.  And we have global warming to enjoy for years to come.  So laugh a lot while you are figuring out how to adapt to this new extreme weather sport:  scorching summers.

Meanwhile, I have some great photography to give you a smile and some amusing poems to read while you try some new recipes.  Be sure to check out the July Fourth quotes both funny and serious that will certainly make you think.  Happy July Fourth!

America Mug

America: Does it get any better?

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  - see what's new! 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Social Poets: Sleazy Obama Campaign Reaches New Low Trolling For Donors


The Social Poets: Sleazy Obama Campaign Reaches New Low Trolling For Donors: From Denny:  In a new low of politics, the Obama camp has turned on their Sleaze Factor to record high levels.  They expect donations to come to them in lieu of your bridal registry, your birthday gifts, even your wedding anniversary.  Can Obama sound any more self-absorbed and greedy?  The Creep Freak Flag is flying high and it isn't even Halloween season yet.

Democrat campaign donors are drying up in this political mean season.  Big Banks and Big Business have all made a mad dash to Team Romney, anointing him with boatloads of cash like they did Obama six months before the election in 2008.  Big Business has changed sides this year.

Obama disappointed Big Business and his own voters alike.  Big Business whined for the entire past 3.5 years, complaining about any mild slaps on the wrists and cheap easy fines from Obama (so he could appear to look good to the public).  Real Democrats complained Obama sucked up to Big Business and never defended the middle class, instead allowing half of the middle class to slip into low income and poverty on his watch.  The middle class have lost their homes by the millions as millions of jobs trotted off overseas.

Be HAPPY! Shoulder Bag

Get your FLIRT on... Be HAPPY! Inspire others to a better day.
Check out the Shopkeepers Bio to learn more.

 * * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philospher: Curty Talks About Temptation

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philospher: Curty Talks About Temptation: From Denny:  Cat Philosophers are a special talking breed.  They are quick to share their wisdom gathered down through the ages - of nine lives.  Check out Curty's teaching about the life long struggle with temptation:

Sah-weet Dawg

*  Check out the Funny Pets section @ Denny Lyon Gifts * 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Friendship

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Friendship: From Denny:  Cat Philosophers are keen on reminding us about the importance of quality friendships and developing loyalty among our friends: toward us and each other.  Curty also expounds upon the true origins of our best and most loyal friends.

Sah-weet Dawg

*  Check out the Funny Pets section @ Denny Lyon Gifts * 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Inner Peace

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Inner Peace: From Denny:  Some of us are just blessed at home with a free philosopher to guide our way in Life!  Cat Philosopher, Curty Cartier, is just the man on the job to help souls as they journey through Life.  Check out his wisdom about the subject of attaining Inner Peace:

Sah-weet Dawg

*  Check out the Funny Pets section @ Denny Lyon Gifts * 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Teaches About Love

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Teaches About Love: From Denny:  Who better to teach us about Love than our pets?  They say so much without using words.  Instead they use the language of the heart.  Check out what Cat Philosopher Curty Cartier has to say on the subject of Love today:

Sah-weet Dawg

*  Check out the Funny Pets section @ Denny Lyon Gifts * 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Seizing Opportunity

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Talks About Seizing Opportunity: From Denny:  Cat Philosophers are very wise.  They understand the vision of living in the present and seizing the day.  You see, success comes to he who waits patiently for the situation to turn to his advantage while his goal is in sight.

Take note that Curty also believes in secondary fall back positions:  When the food you want escapes, enjoy the food available.

Sah-weet Dawg

*  Check out the Funny Pets section @ Denny Lyon Gifts * 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Teaches Success and Happiness

Curty photo by denny lyon

Dennys Funny Quotes: Cat Philosopher: Curty Teaches Success and Happiness: From Denny:  Sometimes, a Cat Philosophy has to remind humans of the difference between success and happiness.  Curty's insightful wisdom never ceases to amaze us.  Take time and ponder the wonder of it all.

Sah-weet Dawg

* *  Check out the Funny Pets section @ Denny Lyon Gifts * * 

* * *  Support Warriors Pearl Foundation - helping homeless female military veterans come home.  Visit Denny Lyon Gifts  @  -   - see what's new!