Posts on astronomy, news, politics, poetry, lots of crazy humor, health and food.
From Denny: The past month I've been busy rounding up what the readers enjoyed throughout the year on all the blogs. It's amazing what people find intriguing - like the crazy humor post about the sloths over at Dennys Funny Quotes. The sloth post has gone past 30,000 views. People just love the cute little guys in the video. It's for a good cause too - a sloth sanctuary in Costa Rica.
Thanks, all of you, for visiting, commenting, subscribing in feeds and email updates! Your support is much appreciated!
Links follow * * *
Quotes with thought-provoking comments, contemplating the spiritual. Inspiration for lovers of words and deep thoughts. Thank you for your visit! - Denny Lyon
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Global Politics
Check out some stellar political cartoons chronicling social issues and politics throughout the year, news analysis and opinion.
From Denny: What a list of news that happened this year! Whew! Sometimes the news and politics were as toxic as the weather - and we all felt like we needed government issue gas masks. Take a look at some of the highlights:
Haiti earthquake
Volcanic eruptions in Iceland and Indonesia
BP Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico (my backyard in Louisiana)
Floods around the world
North Korea threatening to launch nukes
Finally getting the beginnings of a national health bill reform in America - which needs a lot of tinkering to perfect
Another woman appointed to the Supreme Court - not before the GOP humiliated her publicly and drug her through the mud for not being Christian enough - she's Jewish.
WikiLeaks documents released about the Afghan War
Unemployment high around the world like in America and the world economy floundering
Obama's popularity up and down, according to which fool he is listening to as the It Advisor Of The Moment.
The Republicans marching goose step as The Party of No Conscience, No Sense and Don't Care About the Middle Class
Popular Posts 2009 at Dennys Global Politics
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
Poll: Most Admired People For 2010
Arrested WikiLeaks Founder Signs Tell All $1.3 Million Book Deal
Funny Life and Christmas Cartoons - 25 Dec 2010
GOP Grinch Refuse Healthcare to 911 Responders, Dems Say YES to Pass Bill
72 Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 20 Dec 2010
What Is The Truth About Unemployment In America?
Gordon Brown Book: 9 Big Banks Manipulating World Economy - Check out the crooked world of global banking.

WikiLeaks, Obama Tax Cuts, Political Humor - 12 Dec 2010 - More Santa and WikiLeaks cartoons for fun.
Sellout Obama and Bush Tax Cuts Firestorm Angers America
World Politics: Funny WikiLeaks Cartoons
Political Cartoons: American and World Politics - 4 Dec 2010
Obama Presidency: Dead On Arrival in 2012?
From Denny: What a list of news that happened this year! Whew! Sometimes the news and politics were as toxic as the weather - and we all felt like we needed government issue gas masks. Take a look at some of the highlights:
Haiti earthquake
Volcanic eruptions in Iceland and Indonesia
BP Oil Spill Disaster in the Gulf of Mexico (my backyard in Louisiana)
Floods around the world
North Korea threatening to launch nukes
Finally getting the beginnings of a national health bill reform in America - which needs a lot of tinkering to perfect
Another woman appointed to the Supreme Court - not before the GOP humiliated her publicly and drug her through the mud for not being Christian enough - she's Jewish.
WikiLeaks documents released about the Afghan War
Unemployment high around the world like in America and the world economy floundering
Obama's popularity up and down, according to which fool he is listening to as the It Advisor Of The Moment.
The Republicans marching goose step as The Party of No Conscience, No Sense and Don't Care About the Middle Class
Popular Posts 2009 at Dennys Global Politics
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
Poll: Most Admired People For 2010
Arrested WikiLeaks Founder Signs Tell All $1.3 Million Book Deal
Funny Life and Christmas Cartoons - 25 Dec 2010
GOP Grinch Refuse Healthcare to 911 Responders, Dems Say YES to Pass Bill
72 Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 20 Dec 2010
What Is The Truth About Unemployment In America?
Gordon Brown Book: 9 Big Banks Manipulating World Economy - Check out the crooked world of global banking.
WikiLeaks, Obama Tax Cuts, Political Humor - 12 Dec 2010 - More Santa and WikiLeaks cartoons for fun.
Sellout Obama and Bush Tax Cuts Firestorm Angers America
World Politics: Funny WikiLeaks Cartoons
Political Cartoons: American and World Politics - 4 Dec 2010
Obama Presidency: Dead On Arrival in 2012?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Poem: Snowing The Perfect Balance
How is our life affected by our perceptions and which perception helps us bring everything into balance?

From Denny: The morning was so very perfect, enjoying the falling snow, cuddling into the silence snow brings, that it brought out a snow poem that I combined with the idea of how our perceptions affect our sense of Time. Sometimes, Time seems too slow when we are impatient; sometimes it goes too fast when we are afraid. Other moments we miss because of how we angle our emotions of frustration or sadness or even joy into our perception of how Time flows in our lives. This is my contribution to Valentine's Day. Read on to see why this is a poem about Love.

From Denny: The morning was so very perfect, enjoying the falling snow, cuddling into the silence snow brings, that it brought out a snow poem that I combined with the idea of how our perceptions affect our sense of Time. Sometimes, Time seems too slow when we are impatient; sometimes it goes too fast when we are afraid. Other moments we miss because of how we angle our emotions of frustration or sadness or even joy into our perception of how Time flows in our lives. This is my contribution to Valentine's Day. Read on to see why this is a poem about Love.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Are You Willing To Step Over Your Self-Imposed Limits?
Do you feel you are on a plateau going nowhere? How to move past where you are in Life to receive your blessings.
"God often asks us to step over the limits we impose upon ourselves to venture out into the unknown - trusting." - Denny Lyon
From Denny: Today I was reflecting upon how easy it is to place our thoughts, our lives, our expectations and tuck them away, in a neat little bundle, imprisoning them into a very small world, a box. So often we humans are so afraid in life that we invent rules for everything in order to control the world around us.
Perhaps rules should be treated as mere guidelines as how to behave in a culture so as not to bring offense to our neighbor? Doesn't it seem many people live too close to the rules that they end up as what is known as "rule bound"? They end up trapped, and suffocating spiritually - by the very rules they invented to protect themselves from the world of chaos and uncertainty.
We humans do so love our security in life whether it's economic security, emotional security and status security, our exalted place in a family or society. If we spent as much time on true spiritual development - as we do on inventing and slavishly following rules - this world would literally become Heaven on Earth.
The Spirit of God has trained me for decades since I was a very little girl, always calling me to go beyond what society taught me. Of course, I caught a lot of static from everyone around me when I "followed God not man" - still do - follow God and get static. In time though those around me came to see the wisdom of God's doings as I followed confidently, trusting He knew what He was doing. Instinctively, I knew "the why" would eventually be revealed and explained, causing everyone to calm down and quit getting in a huff about not following the rules.
My father was often exasperated with me, saying I "had no fear." He kept trying to instill fear into me - which is counter-productive to spiritual development. I never thought of myself as fearless as I often sized up situations, treading lightly, realizing it was not wise to engage as violence could erupt, creating an even bigger mess. Yet my father complained constantly as he feared everything and everyone, trusting no one, a decided agnostic one year and then an atheist the next. He did not want to be constrained by a conscience. Whether you believe in God or not is irrelevant because we all come hard-wired with a conscience.
My father never would give up all the space inside himself he gave over to making Fear feel comfortable and welcome. And I never gave Fear a home. Wisely placed Trust is smarter, more profitable in Life and certainly far easier to live with inside yourself.
But how do you get from the place of Fear to the place of Trust? Many a Christian claims to trust God and yet deny requests from Him on a daily basis without fully realizing their rebuff. How many times have you been requested to do something outside your current comfort zone? You said "No! I won't go there!" or "I won't talk to that person because they are this or that label and don't fit into my idea of the right kind of person with which to associate."
See? Rules can trip us up and we can miss out in Life. We also miss out on how God is working in our lives to move us past our limitations and low expectations so he can bless us with so much more. To receive the blessings for which we keep asking we must first empty out the negative energy which is taking up the space where we are to make a home for our blessings.
In this New Year take the time to re-think your self-imposed limitations and expectations. Think again about how the Spirit of God is quietly calling you in small every day situations to do more, be more, think on a larger scale. The one small act of kindness may not seem big to you but is huge to the person receiving it - and it sure makes glad the heart of God who loves us all.
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics and humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
"God often asks us to step over the limits we impose upon ourselves to venture out into the unknown - trusting." - Denny Lyon
From Denny: Today I was reflecting upon how easy it is to place our thoughts, our lives, our expectations and tuck them away, in a neat little bundle, imprisoning them into a very small world, a box. So often we humans are so afraid in life that we invent rules for everything in order to control the world around us.
Perhaps rules should be treated as mere guidelines as how to behave in a culture so as not to bring offense to our neighbor? Doesn't it seem many people live too close to the rules that they end up as what is known as "rule bound"? They end up trapped, and suffocating spiritually - by the very rules they invented to protect themselves from the world of chaos and uncertainty.
We humans do so love our security in life whether it's economic security, emotional security and status security, our exalted place in a family or society. If we spent as much time on true spiritual development - as we do on inventing and slavishly following rules - this world would literally become Heaven on Earth.
The Spirit of God has trained me for decades since I was a very little girl, always calling me to go beyond what society taught me. Of course, I caught a lot of static from everyone around me when I "followed God not man" - still do - follow God and get static. In time though those around me came to see the wisdom of God's doings as I followed confidently, trusting He knew what He was doing. Instinctively, I knew "the why" would eventually be revealed and explained, causing everyone to calm down and quit getting in a huff about not following the rules.
My father was often exasperated with me, saying I "had no fear." He kept trying to instill fear into me - which is counter-productive to spiritual development. I never thought of myself as fearless as I often sized up situations, treading lightly, realizing it was not wise to engage as violence could erupt, creating an even bigger mess. Yet my father complained constantly as he feared everything and everyone, trusting no one, a decided agnostic one year and then an atheist the next. He did not want to be constrained by a conscience. Whether you believe in God or not is irrelevant because we all come hard-wired with a conscience.
My father never would give up all the space inside himself he gave over to making Fear feel comfortable and welcome. And I never gave Fear a home. Wisely placed Trust is smarter, more profitable in Life and certainly far easier to live with inside yourself.
But how do you get from the place of Fear to the place of Trust? Many a Christian claims to trust God and yet deny requests from Him on a daily basis without fully realizing their rebuff. How many times have you been requested to do something outside your current comfort zone? You said "No! I won't go there!" or "I won't talk to that person because they are this or that label and don't fit into my idea of the right kind of person with which to associate."
See? Rules can trip us up and we can miss out in Life. We also miss out on how God is working in our lives to move us past our limitations and low expectations so he can bless us with so much more. To receive the blessings for which we keep asking we must first empty out the negative energy which is taking up the space where we are to make a home for our blessings.
In this New Year take the time to re-think your self-imposed limitations and expectations. Think again about how the Spirit of God is quietly calling you in small every day situations to do more, be more, think on a larger scale. The one small act of kindness may not seem big to you but is huge to the person receiving it - and it sure makes glad the heart of God who loves us all.
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
The Social Poets - news, politics and humor
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes
The Most Outrageous take home all the toys: Congrats to Lady Gaga
From Denny: Thanks for all your support this year; your response has been awesome! Total fun ever since I began this crazy blog back in the summer last year. Glad to know there are so many funny peeps out there in virtual land who enjoy a good grin...

Most Popular Posts Ever:
Popular Posts 2009 of Dennys Funny Quotes and Thank YOU!
Popular Posts 2010 at Dennys Funny Quotes and Thank You!
42 Monday Morning Funny Coffee Quotes, Coffee Cartoon
10 Funny Cute Cat Quotes and Cat Cartoon
Funny Crazy Cat Quotes
25 Funny Quotes about Jokes and Politics
Funny Political Cartoons Sampler 12 Dec 2009
The Great American Immigration Debate: Political Cartoons - 8 May 2010
Funny Friendship Quotes
Funny Halloween Quotes, Halloween Cartoon
Funny Video: WikiLeaks Reveals Santa Naughty List
Funny Christmas Cartoons - Check out the irreverent cartoonist offerings for the holiday season.
Original Christmas Poem Story: The Night Before Christmas - the original and, of course since I'm from Louisiana, the funny Cajun version - and funny Santa cartoons.
Shoveling snow? Protect your back and your heart
72 Posts Roundup at Dennys Blogs - 20 Dec 2010
42 Monday Morning Funny Coffee Quotes, Coffee Cartoon
26 Funny Political Cartoons - 6 Feb 2010
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Popular Posts 2010 at Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious And Odd
Get your laughs here and watch your bad day melt away while you fall off your chair laughing.
My favorite outrageous person on the planet: Lady Gaga
From Denny: Thank you for your support this year! Keep laughing through your work week.
Check out the 2009 most popular posts too: Popular Posts 2009 at OOOAO Humor Blog, Thank You!
Here are the 2010 favorites:
Outrageous Funny Photos: This Is So Wrong...
Obamas Kick Ass Comments Cartoons - 12 June 2010
Funny Video: Colberts Sound Advice on How to Get a Job
Quote About Humor in Life
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
Best New Years Cartoons 2010
Funny Essay on Why Santa Must Really Be A Woman
Ouch Outrageous: How the Christmas Tree Angel Really Got to the Top
Funny Christmas Quotes and More Holiday Fun
Video: Funniest Sarcastic Answering Machine Message Newly Released for ALL School Systems
25 Funny Quotes about Jokes and Politics
College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons
51 Funny Political Cartoons - Sex Scandals, Rove, Obama, Health Care, Tea Party - 27 Mar 2010
My favorite outrageous person on the planet: Lady Gaga
From Denny: Thank you for your support this year! Keep laughing through your work week.
Check out the 2009 most popular posts too: Popular Posts 2009 at OOOAO Humor Blog, Thank You!
Here are the 2010 favorites:
Outrageous Funny Photos: This Is So Wrong...
Obamas Kick Ass Comments Cartoons - 12 June 2010
Funny Video: Colberts Sound Advice on How to Get a Job
Quote About Humor in Life
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
Best New Years Cartoons 2010
Funny Essay on Why Santa Must Really Be A Woman
Ouch Outrageous: How the Christmas Tree Angel Really Got to the Top
Funny Christmas Quotes and More Holiday Fun
Video: Funniest Sarcastic Answering Machine Message Newly Released for ALL School Systems
25 Funny Quotes about Jokes and Politics
College Grads Chances of Finding Jobs: Political Cartoons
51 Funny Political Cartoons - Sex Scandals, Rove, Obama, Health Care, Tea Party - 27 Mar 2010
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Most Popular Posts 2010 at The Soul Calendar
Check out the popular science stories this year that fascinated us like the volcanic explosions and earthquakes.
From Denny: Thanks for all your support this year! What a year of massive planet wide geologic changes: polar glacial ice caps melting rapidly, high scale earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and around the world, volcanoes spewing lava high into the air in Iceland and Indonesia - stopping air travel. It's been a humbling year for the human race on planet Earth. Floods, blizzards, mudslides, oceans rising, the Earth is changing and we are here to witness it.
Just this December we got to see the first lunar eclipse on a Winter Solstice, the first in almost 500 years. The next one is scheduled for 2094. Here in my region of the world we experienced the British Petroleum Oil Spill Disaster. As usual Big Business and the governments like America and Britain have shafted the locals who have gone bankrupt, personal and business. The millions of barrels of oil still lurks on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and continues to wash ashore. There are now light orange alligators found off the coast of Florida.
Here in Louisiana BP's oil spill devastated our fishing industry, killing the oyster beds and safe fishing grounds for everything from shrimp and spillway crawfish to salt water fish. The fishing industry has declined by 70 percent with no help from BP or our federal government. Big Business is just plain greedy and refuses to take care of the planet and future generations.
Out of this oil spill disaster has come some interesting ideas of how to clean up future oil spills. More ideas abound for new types of alternative fuels using the ocean to help produce it. Humanity can be innovative and creative if we just curb our greed to use our resources faster than we can replace them.
Take a look around. There are plenty of humor posts too and lots of technology cartoons for a grin.
The Soul Calendar - Wondering about our universe and the universe inside us.
Check out these posts too: Most Popular Posts 2009 at The Soul Calendar
Here's the most popular posts for 2010:
Rare 500 Year Lunar Eclipse Gets Viewed By 1.5 Billion
Popular Funny X-ray Pin-Ups Calendar: Stripped to the Bone
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
From Denny: Thanks for all your support this year! What a year of massive planet wide geologic changes: polar glacial ice caps melting rapidly, high scale earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and around the world, volcanoes spewing lava high into the air in Iceland and Indonesia - stopping air travel. It's been a humbling year for the human race on planet Earth. Floods, blizzards, mudslides, oceans rising, the Earth is changing and we are here to witness it.
Just this December we got to see the first lunar eclipse on a Winter Solstice, the first in almost 500 years. The next one is scheduled for 2094. Here in my region of the world we experienced the British Petroleum Oil Spill Disaster. As usual Big Business and the governments like America and Britain have shafted the locals who have gone bankrupt, personal and business. The millions of barrels of oil still lurks on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico and continues to wash ashore. There are now light orange alligators found off the coast of Florida.
Here in Louisiana BP's oil spill devastated our fishing industry, killing the oyster beds and safe fishing grounds for everything from shrimp and spillway crawfish to salt water fish. The fishing industry has declined by 70 percent with no help from BP or our federal government. Big Business is just plain greedy and refuses to take care of the planet and future generations.
Out of this oil spill disaster has come some interesting ideas of how to clean up future oil spills. More ideas abound for new types of alternative fuels using the ocean to help produce it. Humanity can be innovative and creative if we just curb our greed to use our resources faster than we can replace them.
Take a look around. There are plenty of humor posts too and lots of technology cartoons for a grin.
The Soul Calendar - Wondering about our universe and the universe inside us.
Check out these posts too: Most Popular Posts 2009 at The Soul Calendar
Here's the most popular posts for 2010:
Rare 500 Year Lunar Eclipse Gets Viewed By 1.5 Billion
Popular Funny X-ray Pin-Ups Calendar: Stripped to the Bone
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
28 Awesome Desktop Calendar Wallpapers
Check out the most interesting offerings from some great designers this year.
From Denny: Smashing Magazine has put out some real beauties for the "calendar challenged" where I culled out the most interesting and beautiful choices. Why print up a calendar when you can display it on your monitor? Check out just a few of these beauties.
They come in several monitor resolution sizes - and without the calendar - if you just enjoy the photo. You can even vote for your favorites on the site - which I did. I figure if someone took the time to create, send, choose, upload and post them then I can vote for the ones I enjoyed the most. :)
The designers hail from countries all over the world: America, Spain, The Netherlands, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Romania, Moldova, England. Be sure to check out their links as most have links and are some interesting design, illustration, flickr or photography sites. Enjoy - and be sure to let me know your favorites! :)
*** All of these delightful designs can be found in five resolution sizes, with or without the calendar, at Smashing Magazine: Desktop Wallpaper Calendar January 2011.
Celebrating 2011
Designed by Tim Fritz from USA.
Frost Bitten - "A collaboration between two sisters. One’s a photographer and the other is a designer." Designed by Denise Johnson and Sharleen Heist from USA.
Quiet Please - Designed by Diana Samoila from Romania.
*** All of these delightful designs can be found in five resolution sizes, with or without the calendar, at Smashing Magazine: Desktop Wallpaper Calendar January 2011.
From Denny: Smashing Magazine has put out some real beauties for the "calendar challenged" where I culled out the most interesting and beautiful choices. Why print up a calendar when you can display it on your monitor? Check out just a few of these beauties.
They come in several monitor resolution sizes - and without the calendar - if you just enjoy the photo. You can even vote for your favorites on the site - which I did. I figure if someone took the time to create, send, choose, upload and post them then I can vote for the ones I enjoyed the most. :)
The designers hail from countries all over the world: America, Spain, The Netherlands, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Romania, Moldova, England. Be sure to check out their links as most have links and are some interesting design, illustration, flickr or photography sites. Enjoy - and be sure to let me know your favorites! :)
*** All of these delightful designs can be found in five resolution sizes, with or without the calendar, at Smashing Magazine: Desktop Wallpaper Calendar January 2011.
Celebrating 2011
Designed by Tim Fritz from USA.
Frost Bitten - "A collaboration between two sisters. One’s a photographer and the other is a designer." Designed by Denise Johnson and Sharleen Heist from USA.
Quiet Please - Designed by Diana Samoila from Romania.
*** All of these delightful designs can be found in five resolution sizes, with or without the calendar, at Smashing Magazine: Desktop Wallpaper Calendar January 2011.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Funny Videos: Happy New Year From Cartoonists
Check out the cartoonists funny idea of wishing us a Happy New Year.
From Denny: Hope you are enjoying the New Year of 2011! These funny cartoonists get us going with the laughter. After such a tough year in 2010 with all the political squabbling and harsh weather events we all could use a little down time to smile more. Enjoy!
This year's New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York City, to welcome 2011:
*** Check out these posts too:
Funny Video: Happy New Year, Cartoonist Review of 2010 - Get a New Year grin at the cartoonist review of our last political year.
Video: Happy New Year 2011 Animated Dancing Penguins - Enjoy an amusing New Year wish from the animated corner of the world. New York Times Square 2011 New Year video too.
Fun Videos: Cartoonists Wish Us Happy New Year - Have a bit of fun watching the famous New York Times Square Waterford crystal ball talk out loud, wishing you a Happy New Year in perfect New York accent.
Best New Years Cartoons 2010
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
New Year Celebrations: History And Trivia
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor
From Denny: Hope you are enjoying the New Year of 2011! These funny cartoonists get us going with the laughter. After such a tough year in 2010 with all the political squabbling and harsh weather events we all could use a little down time to smile more. Enjoy!
This year's New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York City, to welcome 2011:
*** Check out these posts too:
Funny Video: Happy New Year, Cartoonist Review of 2010 - Get a New Year grin at the cartoonist review of our last political year.
Video: Happy New Year 2011 Animated Dancing Penguins - Enjoy an amusing New Year wish from the animated corner of the world. New York Times Square 2011 New Year video too.
Fun Videos: Cartoonists Wish Us Happy New Year - Have a bit of fun watching the famous New York Times Square Waterford crystal ball talk out loud, wishing you a Happy New Year in perfect New York accent.
Best New Years Cartoons 2010
New Years: Funny Quotes, Resolutions Tips, Poems
New Year Celebrations: History And Trivia
*** THANKS for visiting, feel welcome to drop a comment or opinion, enjoy bookmarking this post on your favorite social site, a big shout out to awesome current subscribers – and if you are new to this blog, please subscribe in a reader or by email updates!
*** Come by for a visit and check out my other blogs:
*** Check out Holiday Recipes From Dennys Food and Recipes
The Social Poets - news, politics
The Soul Calendar - science, astronomy, psychology
Visual Insights - photos, art, music
Beautiful Illustrated Quotations - spiritual quotes, philosophy
Best Spiritual Posts
Poems From A Spiritual Heart - poetry
The Healing Waters - health news
Dennys People Watching - people in the news
Dennys Food and Recipes
Dennys Funny Quotes - humor